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Kids.Social Development: The Power of Friendship on Children >> Read full article 
When children start to mingle with other children of similar age, worries might start to hit parents. Many parents show great concern on with whom their child plays because they are afraid that their child will be influenced in the negative way. What can parents do? Why children need friendship?

Kids.Mind n Soul Development: How Children Learn Best? >> Read full article 
Children often have shorter attention span than grown-ups, especially when it comes to learning and focusing in class. In order to grab their attention, activities done in class shall be as interesting as possible and focus less on dull facts learning. How children learn best? What is kinaesthetic learning method?

Kids.Mind n Soul Development: Montessori and Children Creativity >> Read full article 
“Creativity is basically an attitude, one that come easily to young, but must be sustained and strengthened lest it be sacrificed in our too logical world” - Marzollo and Lloyd, 1972. How can we encourage creativity in children? How does the Montessori approach creativity in children?  

Be Inspired: Why Love Matters: How Affection Shapes a Baby’s Brain by Sue Gerhardt >> Read full article
How love affection shapes a baby’s brain, especially on social and emotional brain systems, during the development in the early years? What are its lasting consequences? 

World Education: Thematic Approach to Teaching & Learning >> Read full article
Integrating the curriculum with a theme - this is what thematic approach is all about. Instead of delivering the curriculum from A to Z and directly from the book, thematic approach allows teachers to teach creatively and encourages fun learning and activities in class.

World Education: Montessori Education >> Read full article
"Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed."  Maria Montessori, the pioneer of Montessori method.


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家长到底该不该检查孩子的作业?(下) >>阅读全文

家长到底该不该检查孩子的作业?(上)  >>阅读全文

澳洲儿童早期教育改革 >>阅读全文
2011年04月12日星期二,澳大利亚联邦早期儿童教育部长艾丽斯女士(Kate Ellis)在悉尼介绍由澳大利亚早期儿童协会(ECA)完成的报告时,赞扬了各个省和领地政府在早期教育方面作出的努力。



Malay Home Bahasa Melayu

Pendidikan Awal: Pendidikan Prasekolah Asas Penting >> Baca
Umur empat hingga enam tahun merupakan masa yang paling sesuai untuk memupuk potensi diri dalam kanak-kanak. Oleh itu, pendidikan prasekolah menjadi asas pentingdalam perkembangan minda dan sosial kanak-kanak.


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