Latest in February 2014 最新2014年2月 Terbaru Februari 2014

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French Kids Don’t Throw Food by Pamela Druckerman >> Read full article 
How do the French manage to raise well-behaved children, and have a life? This is the secret Pamela Druckerman will reveal in her book French Kids Don’t Throw Food.

Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting by Dr. Laura Markham >> Read full article
In Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting, Dr. Laura Markham reveals an important message to all parents – “fostering emotional connection with your child creates real and lasting change. When you have that vital connection, you don’t need to threaten, nag, plead, bribe or even punish”.

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Michael Winterhoff Talks on Education Concept in Germany >> Read full article
According to child and adolescent psychiatrist, Michael Winterhoff, many of the young people in Germany today not only lack the basic competences in German and maths, but also lacking in social competences such as work ethic, punctuality and structure.

South Korean Teachers: What Can We Learn from Them? >> Read full article
The education approach in South Korea is very different from the one in Finland. While Finland gives their students a lot of freedom in learning, South Korea emphasizes on intense schooling. What are the approaches South Korean teachers take in teaching and learning?

Finnish Teachers: What Can We Learn from Them? >> Read full articleBesides its exceptional education approach, schools in Finland are filled with exceptional teachers too. What are the approaches Finnish teachers take in teaching and learning?

Education System of Finland & South Korea >> Read full article
Both Finland and South Korea are well-known for their exceptional schools. However, these countries share very little similarities. In fact, there is a huge contrast in their differences. Yet, both are the leaders in world’s education.



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Guru, Rahsia Kejayaan Pendidikan Kanak-kanak Berkualiti >> Baca
Menurut analisis sistem pendidikan terbaik di dunia oleh McKinsey & Company, antara semua faktor terkawal yang mempengaruhi pencapaian pelajar, faktor yang paling penting adalah pengaruh guru kelas.


Latest in January 2014 最新2014年1月 Terbaru Januari 2014

English Home

It’s All About The Teacher >> Read full article
“When it comes to the quality of a child’s education, it’s all about the teacher.” In fact, according to an analysis of the world’s top education systems by McKinsey & Company, “Research has shown that of all the controllable factors influencing student achievement, the most important by far is the influence of the classroom teacher.”

What is Your Parenting Style? (5): Hands-off / Uninvolved Parenting >> Read full articleWhat are the characteristics of Hands-off / Uninvolved Parenting? Hands-off/uninvolved parenting emphasizes on learning through experience and each person must learn to take care of himself. Hands-off/uninvolved parents give their children the opportunity to learn from mistakes by not sheltering their children.

What is Your Parenting Style? (4): Authoritative Parenting >> Read full article 
What are the characteristics of Authoritative Parenting? Authoritative parenting emphasizes on “discipline through rational and issue-oriented strategies in order to promote children’s autonomy while ensuring conformity to group standards” in areas of academic, social emotional and behavioural. 

What is Your Parenting Style? (3): Authoritarian Parenting >> Read full article 
What are the characteristics of Authoritarian Parenting? Authoritarian parenting emphasizes on strict discipline and obedience. 

What is Your Parenting Style? (2): Permissive Parenting >> Read full article 
What are the characteristics of Permissive Parenting? Permissive parenting emphasizes on indulging in children’s every wish. 

What is Your Parenting Style? (1): An Overview >> Read full article 
Studies have found a correlation between parenting styles and school competence, delinquency, violence, sexual activity, antisocial behaviour, alcohol and substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and self-perception. In the early 1960s, Baumrind studied parenting styles and concluded these four important areas and three parenting styles.



Chinese Home 中文首页

趣味游戏 开发宝宝视力(6)>>阅读全文宝宝如果还不会走路时,在暖和而晴朗的日子,爸爸妈妈可以带宝宝去户外,在树荫下看着大一些的小朋友在草坪上玩,父母可以指点远处在不同方向的树、飞鸟、小动物教宝宝认识,同时也让宝宝眼球各方向转动灵活,远眺也放松了眼睛。

趣味游戏 开发宝宝视力(5)>>阅读全文由于我们居住的空间越来越拥挤,开阔的地方越来越少,宝宝看远的机会越来越少了。

趣味游戏 开发宝宝视力(4)>>阅读全文

趣味游戏 开发宝宝视力(3)>>阅读全文 几乎所有的宝宝都对灯光有兴趣,爸爸妈妈不妨利用灯光来和宝宝玩点小游戏。

趣味游戏 开发宝宝视力(2)>>阅读全文仔细观察物体的飘落,训练宝宝眼睛追随物体的能力和注意力

趣味游戏 开发宝宝视力(1)>>阅读全文 


Malay Home Bahasa Melayu

Memupuk Tabiat Belajar dalam Kanak-kanak >> Baca
Ramai ibu bapa berasa leteran adalah perlu dalam mendidik anak mereka menjadi seorang yang baik. Akan tetapi, mereka tidak sedar bahawa leteran boleh membawa kesan negatif kepada anak mereka.
