Latest in December 2013 最新2013年12月 Terbaru Disember 2013

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Nurturing Learning Habit in Children (2) >> Read full article 
Besides not nagging your child to do better, as outlined in the previous post Nurturing Learning Habit in Children (1), guiding them in creating self-learning habit is of vital importance too.

Nurturing Learning Habit in Children (1) >> Read full article Generally, many parents feel the need to nag their children to do better. However, many did not realize that nagging will create negative effects on them instead. Children may feel de-motivated due to the constant nagging and this may affect their performance in school and social upbringing.

Eastern Culture and Western Culture in Learning >> Read full article “For the most part in American culture, intellectual struggle in schoolchildren is seen as an indicator of weakness, while in Eastern cultures it is not only tolerated but is often used to measure emotional strength.”

Spatial Creativity: What Is It? >> Read full article 
A new study published in Psychological Science has found a solid link between early spatial talent and creativity in adult life. It is the ability to imagine in the minds eye and mentally manipulate objects that leads to great invention. Think Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison, all of whom had extraordinary spatial talent. 

How Important Is Freedom of Expression in Children? >> Read full article 
Does writing for being graded put a barrier to our freedom of expression and learning?

Inquiry-based Learning vs. Standardized Content >> Read full article 
Which is more effective in aiding the learning process and preparing the young ones for their future? Inquiry-based learning? Or standardized content?



Chinese Home 中文首页

宝宝刚上幼儿园:陪伴是最好的奖励 >>阅读全文 

宝宝刚上幼儿园:回家后注意饮食,不能给零食 >>阅读全文 

宝宝刚入幼儿园:哭闹问题 >>阅读全文





Malay Home Bahasa Melayu

Pendekatan PRAKTIKAL untuk Pengajaran ECE yang Berkesan >> Baca
Pembelajaran amali membolehkan pelajar (guru prospek) mengait lebih banyak manfaat daripada kursus yang diikuti. Dengan ini, mereka dapat melengkapkan diri dengan ilmu dan kemahiran yang diperlukan untuk pengajaran pendidikan awal kanak-kanak yang lebih berkesan.
