Latest in September 2013 最新2013年9月 Terbaru September 2013

English Home

Preparing for a Career in Early Childhood Education >> Read full article
Do you love working with children? Do you desire to strengthen individuals, families and community? Are you an energetic person? Do you have natural leadership skills?

A STEP Forward in Parenting: Systematic Training for Effective Parenting >> Read full article
According to SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP), STEP is a programme that “provides training for parents dealing with frequently encountered challenges with their children that often result from autocratic parenting styles.”

Left Brain vs. Right Brain: Unleashing Children’s Potential >> Read full article 
When is the best time to nurture children’s brain to unleash its full potential? What are the abilities of the left brain and the right brain? Which side of the brain shall be the focus of development?

Study says: Parents’ Yelling and Hitting Are Equally Harmful >> Read full article 
How harmful is yelling towards children’s mental development?

Art Therapy, for an Enriched Life (2) >> Read full article 
Why is art therapy suitable for people who are not suffering from mental illnesses too?

Art Therapy, for an Enriched Life (1) >> Read full article 
Art therapy is not just one of the effective tools in treating psychological disorders but also beneficial to anyone. Due to its expressive form, art can help us to communicate, manage stress, and explore different aspects of our personalities.



Chinese Home 中文首页



亲子互动:和孩子一起看电影(爸爸妈妈须知篇)(下) >>阅读全文

亲子互动:和孩子一起看电影(爸爸妈妈须知篇)(上) >>阅读全文

亲子互动:和孩子一起看电影(1) >>阅读全文



Malay Home Bahasa Melayu

Membaca Menambah Ilmu: Bagaimana Anda Boleh Memupuk Tabiat Membaca 
>> Baca
Ramai ibu bapa memaksa anak mereka untuk membaca atau menentukan jenis bahan bacaan untuk anak-anak. Malangnya, kaedah ini bukan sahaja gagal untuk memupuk tabiat membaca, tetapi juga boleh membawa kesan negatif. Bagaimana ibu bapa boleh memupuk tabiat membaca di kalangan kanak-kanak?
